Sunday, December 26, 2010


I went for a long bike ride this morning. I went 23.4 miles actually! That is a new personal best for me. Not far I know, as bikers measure these things. But for me it was a milestone. Did you ever see the movie "What about Bob?" As his psychiatrist keeps telling him "Baby steps, baby steps!" So it is with my bike riding. I'll just keep on making small improvements day by day in distance and speed, and soon I will be able to go on really long rides. Before we started our year end break one of my friends challenged to do a ride of fifty kilometers before the end of break (31 miles). I am not there yet, but I think I may make it before we go back on Jan 3rd.

I took an apple with me today. I thought I would eat it when I stopped for a water break about halfway. I ate it, rode some more, and realized that I was famished. My blood sugar was dropping and I was getting exhausted. I stopped at a little roadside restaurant and ate a plate of fried rice. That sustained me until I got home. I guess I will have to start carrying granola bars with me. Several of my friends bake their own energy bars with wild mixes of grains, fruits, and nuts. They swear by them. However, I don't have an oven, so I guess I will have to stick with the store bought varieties.


  1. I think (not sure) sone of the pro bikers slam carbs before they ride, like spaghetti.

    My personal best rides came when I was a bit older than you are, so...keep at it.

  2. I intend to keep at it. I'm not racing, so I don't need to slam carbs, but I do get low blood sugar when I ride, so I just need some energy along the way.
