Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Evening

It is Sunday and it has been a quiet day. I had a short Physical Therapy session today. Mainly we just reviewed what they taught me yesterday about walking with crutches and going up and down stairs. That is a necessary skill since I am going to be in a cast for six weeks. One of my friends brought me some DVDs yesterday so I watched the newest Star Trek movie. Not the same on the small screen as it was on the big screen.

This afternoon we had a strong thunderstorm. The electricity went out several Times but seems to be back on now. Everything outside looks well scrubbed and fresh now.


  1. Thunderstorms have been rolling through here for the last 18 hours or so. It's very wet out there. The upside is that it's given me a good excuse to laze about inside. Glad you have the dvds. Is your internet connection fast enough to do streaming video? If so, you might enjoy some of the shows on HULU.

  2. I have gotten thoroughly tired of the rain here. Normally I enjoy it but my truck doesn't like the rain and that has been worrying me some. I am glad you have something to do in there besides looking at the ceiling. I see B suggested HULU, I was going to suggest netflix. I enjoy it a lot.

  3. Both BG and I went kayaking in our back yard this morning. Seriously. We have close to 30 photos to prove it; one is on my blog.

    Know what you mean about little screen/big screen movies. We have watched an IMAX movie about flight and "Avatar" this week. Both pretty decent movies, but not the same as 27 speakers and screens in all directions.
