Friday, May 8, 2009

Elephant Takes

Last night they were shooting a movie with an elephant on my doorstep. Yes, right on the same doorstep where last year I saw 11200 monks! (My street is more interesting than your street--I've got "And to Think That I Saw That on Mulberry Street beat all to pieces). Actually it was a pretty small shoot, one elephant, one actor and a crew of less than a dozen. So I doubt that it is for a Hollywood blockbuster. The scene they were shooting involved the actor (his back to the camera) looking at the elephants leg and then putting a bandage on it while muttering to himself in Thai. The director and camaraman are to the right of the light. The blond guy pointing is just a flunky. They shoot the scene three or four times, then I got bored and wandered off. But still, another interesting day here on Nimman Street.



  1. a real live breathing and functioning elephant and a mahoot. I wonder what the bright sparks in down town Sydney would make of an elephant?

  2. Quite a bit different from Sydney, I'm sure!

  3. Your street is more interesting than my street. The only thing I have seen of note lately is an infestation of buck moth caterpillars. Elephants are definitely more interesting.
