As I was setting goals for the new year I did not just think about myself. You know, the usual plans to lose weight, exercise more, take life less seriously, and spend more quality time with family. Those are all fine, but as I was pondering the next phase of my life I kept thinking of goals relating to social responsibility. How can I make this world a better place? What can I do to leave a better world for the next generation? Being a socially minded kind of guy, I have decided to give up my motorbike.
While I have had a pretty small carbon footprint for several years now, I decided it was time to take the next step and move toward a carbon neutral lifestyle. I don't use the air con, I always take a reusable bag to the grocery store, and I try to reduce, reuse, and recycle. But giving up my main means of transportation was a big step. Now remember, I am doing this for purely environmental reasons. I will be relying on foot and bicycle for most of my transportation needs, with public transport for longer trips. The fact that I will be saving a substantial amount of money had absolutely nothing to do with my decision! Please feel free to hold me up as a role model of responsible ecological stewardship to any young people you know. Let me repeat, shallow pecuniary issues did not influence me at all in this decision! Really!